Has your baggage been damaged, delivered late or even lost? Then you may have a claim under the Montreal Convention.
You can submit your conciliation request conveniently online here – not only for air travel but also for rail, long-distance bus, public transport, package holidays or boat trips.
Airlines must generally compensate for damage caused by the destruction, loss, damage or delay of baggage. Liability for checked baggage is independent of fault and applies up to a maximum liability limit of around EUR 1,600.00.
Whether a claim actually exists in your case depends on the specific individual case. The presentation of rights is only an initial overview and does not claim to be exhaustive.
A comprehensive presentation of air passenger rights can be found on the website of the European Union.
Dr. Sabine Cofalla
Leiter der Schlichtungsstelle:
Dr. Christof Berlin
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg VR29041B
Fasanenstraße 81
10623 Berlin
Tel +49 30 6 44 99 33 – 0