Perspective: Consumers
- Gerhard Curth, German Rail Customers Association (DBV)
- Marion Jungbluth, Federation of German Consumer Organizations (vzbv) – Chairwoman of the Advisory Board
- Petra Kirstein, Center for European Consumer Protection e.V. (EVZ) – Deputy Chairwoman of the Advisory Board
- Jens-Peter Kruse, Federal Association of Senior Citizens’ Organizations (BAGSO)
- Karl-Peter Naumann, PRO BAHN e.V.
- Silvia Schattenkirchner, ADAC e.V.
- Claudia Till, Stiftung Warentest
- Martin Tönnes, Verkehrsclub Deutschland e.V. (VCD)
Perspective: Economy/company
- Dr. Michael Engel, Federal Association of German Airlines (BDF)
- Dr. Thomas Hilpert-Janßen, Association of German Transport Companies (VDV)
- Michael Hoppe, Board of Airline Representatives in Germany e.V. (BARIG)
- Christiane Leonard, Federal Association of German Bus and Coach Operators (bdo)
- Marcel Pordomm, Deutsche Lufthansa AG
Matthias von Randow, Federal Association of the German Air Transport Industry (BDL)
- Silke Schnabel, Air France/KLM
Perspective: General public
Federal Government
- Dr. Lars Entelmann, Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ)
- Harald Schoen, Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ)
- Christine Weiss, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
German Bundestag
- Jan Plobner, SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag
- Michael Dohnt, CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag
- Wolfgang Wiehle, AfD parliamentary group in the Bundestag
- Matthias Roder, Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection
Perspective: Science
- Prof. Dr. Ansgar Staudinger, University of Bielefeld