Schlichtungsstelle Reise & Verkehr e.V. helps travelers and companies to resolve disputes out of court: quickly and easily. If you have any questions about the conciliation procedure, you may find an answer directly here. Otherwise, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Schlichtungsstelle Reise & Verkehr e.V. is an independent and neutral body that helps travelers and companies to find joint solutions to disputes in the travel and transport sector.

If you are unable to reach an agreement with a travel or transport company, you can submit a conciliation request to us.

  1. The company must be a member of the concilation body.
  2. You must have given the company at least two months to respond to your complaint.
  3. Your case must not already be in court or in another conciliation procedure.

The easiest way to submit your application is online via our website. If this is not possible, you can also submit your application by e-mail or post.

The procedure is free of charge for consumers. There are no processing fees or success fees.

The costs of conciliation are borne by the companies involved. Around 350 companies currently participate in the Schlichtungsstelle Reise & Verkehr e.V.

Yes, the Schlichtungsstelle Reise & Verkehr e.V. is financially and legally independent. It has been recognized by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection as an independent consumer conciliation body.

No, as a conciliation body we are not allowed to give legal advice outside of the conciliation procedure. However, as part of the procedure, it will examine your claims and make a conciliation recommendation.

  1. Application: You submit your application online or by post.
  2. Confirmation of receipt: You will receive a confirmation and your case number within two weeks.
  3. Examination and mediation: We examine the case and try to reach an agreement.
  4. Result: In over 80 % of all cases, there are
    • an early agreement in the form of “immediate acknowledgement” or “moderation” or
    • You will receive a conciliation recommendation.

Conciliation usually takes up to three months. In simple cases it can be quicker, in complex cases and with a high volume of applications it can take longer. If, in exceptional cases, processing takes longer than three months, we will keep you regularly informed of the status – you do not need to do anything in this regard. 

  • If an agreement is reached, you will receive the payment due to you from the company.
  • If no agreement can be reached, you can still take legal action, for example by going to court.

No, legal representation is not necessary. The conciliation body will examine your matter independently and neutrally.

No, the costs of lawyers or other representatives cannot be taken into account in conciliation proceedings.

No, if you have assigned your claim to a passenger portal, you cannot submit a conciliation request. However, if the portal has processed your claim without success, you can have the rights assigned back to you and then submit a request for conciliation.

No, that is not possible. Contact the company first. However, if the problem persists after the trip, you are of course welcome to submit an application.

Please check your spam folder and contact us if you have not received a confirmation within two weeks.

Please inform us if your claim is met in full or in part during the proceedings. Important to know: The conciliation body has no direct influence on the payment, this is between you and the company.

The conciliation body cannot enforce payments. Our recommendation: Wait up to six weeks after completion of the procedure. If no payment has been made by then, please contact us and we will remind the company of the payment if necessary. Contacting your bank can also be helpful.

  • Check the requirements for an conciliation request: 1) The company must be a member of the conciliation body, 2) at least two months have passed since you lodged your complaint directly with the company, 3) Your case is not already in court or in another conciliation procedure.
  • Contact the conciliation body: Applications and documents can be submitted online for quick and easy processing. We will send you status information without being asked.
  • Send copies only: The conciliation body accepts no liability for original documents, so please only send copies.
  • No legal advice: The conciliation body cannot provide any legal information outside of the conciliation procedure.
  • Travel to a date in the future: You cannot submit a conciliation request for future travel. Contact the company first, and if the problem persists after the trip, you can submit a claim.
  • No legal fees: Costs for lawyers or other representatives cannot be claimed.
  • Communication: Keep us informed of any developments during the process, e.g. partial payments or changes to your contact details.

Submit a request for conciliation

You can submit your conciliation request conveniently online here – for rail, long-distance bus, flight, public transport, ship or package tours.